We all have been raised to think hot water showers are the best way to feel better, improve mood, and rejuvenate the body. We were wrong. Immersing yourself in cold water, jumping into a cold shower, even diving in a cold pool has some distinct health benefits that every man should know about. Cold water therapy is the practice of using water that’s around 59°F (15°C) to treat health conditions or stimulate health benefits. It’s also known as cold hydrotherapy. We jumped into feet first to some cool facts about how cold water plunges, immersions, and therapies are a must do- in 2022.


cold water benefits

A small studyTrusted Source conducted in 2011 found that cyclists who completed intense training sessions had decreased soreness after they were immersed in cold water for 10 minutes. A 2016 studyTrusted Source involving 20 participants showed the same thing. Athletes who soaked in a pool of cold water (12°C to 15°C) reported less muscle soreness than those who had no hydrotherapy after exercising.

The Reason: Cold Water causes your blood vessels to constrict. This reduces blood flow to the area — for example, an injury you’re applying ice to — which helps reduce swelling and inflammation.


cold water reduce feelings of depression

Mental Health is more than just how you think or “feel.” While nobody would claim cold water alone is a cure for any mental health condition, certain case studies suggest that cold open water swimming has helped alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety in some people. Researchers found that a program of short, twice-daily cold showers decreased depressive symptoms for some individuals.


boost immune system in cold water

There’s some evidence that cold water therapy can stimulate your body’s immune system response. This would theoretically improve your ability to fight illness. Researchers tested whether people could voluntarily influence their own immune response by practicing meditation, deep breathing, and cold water immersion techniques. When study participants were exposed to a bacterial infection, the group that used these techniques had fewer symptoms. Their bodies produced more anti-inflammatory chemicals and fewer pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to the infection.


improve circulation in cold water
When you immerse your body in cold water, the blood rushes to surround your vital organs. Your heart then is forced to pump more efficiently, pushing blood through all your vessels and supplying every part of your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. Cold water showers or plunges promote healthy blood circulation, and, ultimately, a healthy body, heart, and mind.


cold water plunge

Studies have also shown that cold plunges lead to an increase in glutathione levels. Glutathione is your body’s most powerful antioxidant, which keeps all other antioxidants performing at peak levels.


So how do you start? While you may be hesitant to take a full plunge into an ice bath, starting slow and getting used to the idea is a good place to begin. To get started try some of the following:

  • Take a short cold shower. Turn the water to cold at the end of a shower and see how long you can stand under the cold water. Increase the time as you can!
  • Jump into a cold pool. Jump in, jump out.
  • Try an ice bath at home. Fill the tub with cold water, and see if you can sit in it for a couple minutes

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  1. […] Looking for More Health Benefits? Jump in: 5 Health Benefits of Cold Water Plunges […]

  2. […] Looking for more health benefits? Jump in here: Jump in: 5 Health Benefits of Cold Water Plunges […]

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